Law firm stuff:
Always cool, calm, and collected, Péter’s unparalleled track record in dealing with large corporations’ labour law issues of every description makes him our all-action-hero employment lawyer (although some call him the Terminator). With experience in HR and labour-law-related problems, Péter also provides full scale day to day legal support to his clients, and is practical, thorough, and solution-oriented.

From large scale lay-offs and strikes, to court room executive dismissals and other highly sensitive, labour-related cases involving a wide range of issues where emotions run high, nothing ruffles our Péter.

Other stuff:
Péter enjoys life with his family and spending summers on the shores of Lake Balaton. A passionate runner, Péter also excels in binge-watching obscure movies from all over the world, some say on a Guinness world record level.

Hungarian (native), English, German

Graduated from:
Eötvös Loránd University, 2001